Brown v board of education impact on education
Brown v board of education impact on education

have set aside court-ordered school desegregation plans established under Brown. Prince Georges County, Md and Rockford, Ill. In addition, school officials in Topeka, Kan.

brown v board of education impact on education

A Harvard University report reveals that the majority of intensely segregated minority schools face conditions of concentrated poverty and do not enjoy the same educational opportunities as their white counterparts. Segregation is most severe in the nation’s largest cities and the suburban districts surrounding them.

brown v board of education impact on education

Recent polls indicate that white students, on average, attend schools that are 80 percent white, while just 14 percent of white students attend multi-racial schools. Re-segregation has been on the rise since 1991.

brown v board of education impact on education

While public education no longer suffers from the old separate but equal doctrine that once permitted racist institutional policies, successes have been mixed at best. The intent was to create a more adequate education for minorities in a system that was governed by competent teaching, adequate facilities and rigorous standards. The Brown decision initiated a worthy struggle to desegregate the nation’s public schools and spurred attempts to make college education accessible to a larger numbers of disadvantaged minorities. On May 17, 1954, the Supreme Court declared that separate educational facilities were inherently unequal because they deprived black students of equal protection under the law. Both developments are compromising the original intent of Brown.

brown v board of education impact on education

Ironically, re-segregation has become prevalent in some school districts while at the university level affirmative action programs, intended to produce greater educational opportunity for minorities, have lowered admissions standards. Board of Education, America’s schools and universities are struggling with the challenge of providing equal educational opportunity in an increasingly multi-cultural society. Supreme Court struck down desegregation in the landmark decision Brown v.

Brown v board of education impact on education